Need to dig? We won't make you wait.

Don’t risk downtime or injury. Get compliant in California with PositiveID locating technology today.

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Did You Know?

Failures to locate underground utilities
result in excess of

411,000 HITS

IN 2017

The costs associated with underground
facility damages in the United States

$1.5 Billion

IN 2017

The Most Accurate Data

Positive ID utility locating services combinGPR and Electromagnetic Locating, Concrete Scanning, along witother tools such as tracable locating rods anpush cams with tracking sondes, mark, locateand manage underground asset points.

Positive ID utility locating services combin
GPR and Electromagnetic Locating, Concrete Scanning, 
along witother tools such as tracable locating rods an
push cams with tracking sondes, mark, locate
and manage underground asset points.

We Locate what 811 doesn't

California law requires you to contact 811 prior to any excavation work within your public side dig area.  But remember: Utility companies and local governments mark only what they own and operate-typically to the meter.  USIPositiveID Locating Service helps you to locate and identify all private-side utilities within your dig area beyond the meter including gas lines, electrical conduits, water lines (plastic or metal), and sewer lines.

California requires you to contact 811 prior to any excavation work within your public side dig area.  But remember: Utility companies and local governments mark only what they own and operate-typically to the meter.  USIPositiveID Locating Service helps you to locate and identify all private-side utilities within your dig area beyond the meter including gas lines, electrical conduits, water lines (plastic or metal), and sewer lines.

PositiveID & Locating Lines / Services Include:

Wet Utilites

Dry Utilities

Types of Services

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